The healing of humanity is also the transformation of the way each individual perceives the universe and relates himself to it. It is a process that demands energy and which itself becomes critical when the being attaches itself to what it was, or has plans about what it should be. But, on the other hand, healing follows the path of evolution and, in order for it to realize itself, it needs only the opening of our being, because through all of life we receive potent impulses in the direction of the evolutionary goal.
When a being begins this journey, normally it is given external tasks that represent important opportunities. Among other things, they serve for the individual to learn to not make service into a means for self-satisfaction. Therefore, it brings one to pass through many tests in order to reach a state in which it becomes necessary to change the polarization of one’s consciousness. When this moment arrives, it is no longer possible to continue relating oneself to the external world through projections based on what has been accumulated since entering into matter, through the great personal and hereditary load formed over time. In this moment it is possible that an occult rebirth can occur.
In order for this to take place, the energy tries to undo within the individual the ties that he has kept with the past and with what he was until then. It tries to liberate him as much as possible to bear the emptiness that, in reality, is the cradle of his new consciousness. But the being does not know how to be free. It is more difficult to bring him to freedom than to keep him in the prison of his own concepts. This obtuse reality is the one that still persists in the present world. However, Grace has already started its work and the changes that are going to happen will not allow this situation to continue.
“The Healing of Humanity” pp. 116-117