In almost forty years of ceaseless spiritual instruction, Jose Trigueirinho Neto has written 81 books and delivered over 2,600 recorded talks in his thrice weekly presentations in the Community-of-Light Figueira, in Brazil.
Selections from this vast material are presented here in the form of: 1) audios of talks with simultaneous English translation; 2) additional audios with brief excerpts from other talks with simultaneous English translation; 3) video clips on different themes with English subtitles, and 4) excerpts from his books and other published material on specific topics.
Books of Trigueirinho that have been translated into English are available in the “Store” section of this website. At present, other books of Trigueirinho are being prepared for publication by the Shasti Association and their eventual availability we hope will address the needs of English speaking readers for information about his important writings and teachings.